Arrow Hosts 5 Emerging Innovators at CES 2019

The stars will be aligned under the Arrow + Indiegogo banner at CES 2019 – five select entrepreneurs will showcase their products with Arrow Certified Technology. Find out how you can join the club.

Ask around for characteristics of an entrepreneur and you will hear them described as visionaries, problem solvers and leaders who, with their clear-eyed planning and persistence, have stared down financial, marketing and product design hurdles and cut a straight path to success.

The reality, however, is a bit different. If you believe Malcom Gladwell, author of Outliers, it must be hard work, persistence, creativity – all qualities we associate with entrepreneurs – along with a confluence of opportunities.

Opportunities that for these five start-ups have meant engineering support and expertise, as well as free showcasing of products at CES 2019 in Eureka Park – the global stage for start-ups.

Unlimited Tomorrow will display prosthetic devices that cost nearly eight times less than conventional versions, while significantly improving comfort, functionality and control. Unlimited Tomorrow is the result of curiosity, mentoring and crowdfunding via Indiegogo with the Arrow Certification Program taking entrepreneur Easton LaChapelle’s prototype close to production.

“Unlimited Tomorrow has received anywhere from sourcing help to technical conversations, so we can implement the best tech into our product. This has helped a lot, as we are designing a product for tomorrow with scalability in mind. This changes the way you design from a prototype level, and the manufacturers and contracted services you use. Arrow has made all of these great connections and helped us design for scale with cost in mind,” says LaChappelle.

Arrow has supported Unlimited Tomorrow by funding $150,000 into their Indiegogo campaign, 100 Tomorrows, which aims to provide its first 100 prosthetic devices for free.

Waggit will showcase a smart wearable for dogs that tracks vitals, activity and location, and makes it easier to catch pet health issues early. CEO and Co-Founder Susan Sierota raised capital and built a community on Indiegogo. When she faced manufacturing delays, Arrow found a new supplier who could deliver to Waggit’s timeline. What’s more, Arrow helped the startup reduce costs via single supplier sourcing.

Waggit was an Arrow flash funding recipient of $50,000.

Bare Conductive, the conductive paint company, got its Electric Lamp Kit Indiegogo campaign flash funded to the tune of $100,000 from Arrow. The DIY kit allows you to build a lamp from a lightbulb, a piece of paper and a tube of Bare Conductive electric paint.

According to Matt Johnson, CEO of Bare Conductive, the Arrow Certification Program “solves one of crowdfunding’s riskier aspects, which is that it is really hard to go from a prototype to a product that’s actually in everyone’s hands.”

Modobag, a product innovation by Chicago entrepreneur Kevin O’Donnell, is the carry-on luggage that carries you around at 8 mph for over 6 miles.

Arrow helped Modobag optimize durability, minimize weight and reduce costs. With Arrow’s help, Modobag is structuring a global supply chain to source from multiple geographies into one manufacturing location, thereby increasing manufacturability and production quality.

Anyware, a smart adaptor that controls and automates lights while monitoring temperature and humidity levels, will also exhibit with Arrow. What sets this adapter apart is its learning capability to turn homes smart.

Anyware received $100,000 flash funding from Arrow earlier this year and also benefits from manufacturing guidance and expert advice locally – in their home base, Denmark.

A Common Thread

These startups are five of over 11,000 who have joined the Arrow Certification Program, which starts with an application that can put your idea on the path to actualization. The program offers the following benefits as soon as you are qualified:

- You can schedule a design review and technology recommendations with an engineer and access a 24/7 online chat with an engineer when you urgently need help.

- You gain free access to Arrow’s BoM tool and Orcad’s cloud-based CAD tool.

- You automatically get 10% off and free shipping on

- You will receive crowdfunding and campaign support from Indiegogo.

- You get expert assistance on volume pricing, procurement and warehousing services.

Once an Arrow engineer verifies that your technology design is feasible for manufacturing:

- Your Arrow Certified Technology badge is highlighted on Indiegogo, and you gain marketing muscle from both Indiegogo and Arrow. No wonder then that Indiegogo campaigns in the program raise 84 percent more funds and are 4.5 times more likely to reach their crowdfunding goal.

- You qualify for a chance to receive a share of flash funding. Arrow has already invested over $1.4 million via flash funding.

- You receive a $1,000 rebate on Arrow’s components and services.

A Confluence of Opportunities

All of these opportunities are lined up for aspiring entrepreneurs at the Arrow + Indiegogo booth, Eureka Park, CES 2019, where Arrow will continue the tradition of sparking innovation by giving away 10,000 Arduinos, for yet another year, to booth visitors.

Mark your calendars to meet the five featured entrepreneurs and get a demonstration of their products, discuss your own projects with Arrow engineers and program managers, and learn more about joining the Arrow Certification Program at the Arrow booth located in the center of Eureka Park.

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