Cost-Effective, Intuitive and Durable Interconnects for Autoclaved Medical Devices

Smiths Interconnect has extended and enhanced their popular D Series to offer a new cost-effective design and supply solution for autoclaved medical devices.

As aging populations drive the need for increasing availability of high-quality and affordable medical devices, so too does the trend toward reusing products—when possible—to reduce waste and cost. One such option can be found in the extension cables connecting disposable catheters used in electrophysiology. These cables connect catheters to the system traversing the border between sterile areas and external systems. These cables can be reused, but they must be properly sterilized between uses.

In the search for autoclave, or steam sterilization, compatible connectors, the requirements were clear. The connector needed to be small, easy to use, rugged, and it must be able to withstand autoclave sterilization — all within a package that could accommodate multiple contacts and ensure full signal reliability. Smith Interconnects D Series connectors fit the bill, with the exception of plastic materials in some of the components. The plastic would not be able to withstand autoclaving. Ultimately, polyetherimide was chosen as the replacement material for all plastic components within the D Series.

After thorough testing, the updated D series connectors proved to be an excellent solution. Additionally, new benefits emerged, including high-temperature resistance, improved mechanical properties, lower water absorption, and improved chemical resistance to harsh environments and sterilization protocols (including steam autoclaving). All of these features are critical to address emerging trends in today’s medical market. This solution was also economical, since new materials could be applied across the D series platform (which is available in three standard sizes) without impacting contact density, the ability to intermate with existing D Series designs, or the integration of existing contact technologies, including crimp and poke contacts for automation and reduced assembly time. This allowed for a mix of disposable and reusable solutions in the same family.


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