Create LED driver and battery charger applications with the LT8391 IC

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Linear Technology’s LT8391, a 60V synchronous 4-switch buck-boost LED controller with spread spectrum and internal PWM dimming, is ideal for LED driver and battery charger applications in automotive, industrial and battery-powered systems.

Its 4-switch single inductor architecture allows VIN above, below or equal to VOUT. Its synchronous switching provides up to 98% efficiency, and it has a wide range of VIN (4V to 60V) and VOUT (0V to 60V, [51V LED]).

Typical application schematics are shown in the datasheet for the LT8391 and include a 98% efficient 50W (25V, 2A) buck-boost LED driver and a 97% efficient 8A buck-boost SLA battery charger. The LED driver is designed to drive high power LEDs up to 250W and easily transition between two-switch boost, four-switch buck-boost and two-switch buck regions of operation.

If you need a refresher or want to learn how a buck-boost converter works, check out this article.

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