Creating a State-of-the Art, Cost Effective Energy Harvesting Bluetooth® Low Energy Switch

Read this paper to learn about ON Semiconductor’s Bluetooth Low Energy switch reference design for battery-less IoT applications that is entirely self-powered by a mere 300 J.

As IoT rapidly grows into new markets such as MHealth, Agriculture 4.0, and building automation, new questions are being raised about the energy required to support its growth. Within the industry, we see a broad spectrum of power requirements. On one end, we have (relative to the number of IoT nodes) a small number of cloud servers with very high-power requirements. These are running 100% of the time resulting in huge energy budgets. At the opposite end of the IoT ecosystem we have a huge number of end nodes with limited power demands and typically little up-time when they are active and demanding an energy source.

ON Semiconductor’s RSL 10 radio is a Bluetooth 5 certified System-on-Chip that supports Bluetooth Low Energy and has been awarded the industry’s best EEMBC® ULPMark scores for power efficiency (1090 ULPMark CP @ 3 V; 1260 @ 2.1 V).

Read this paper to learn about ON Semiconductor’s Bluetooth Low Energy switch reference design for battery-less IoT applications that is entirely self-powered by a mere 300 J. With the Bluetooth Low Energy frame protocol being as short as 10 ms, a total energy budget of less than 100 Joule is required. The comparison between the harvested 300 J and the required 100 J transmit budget is obvious.

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