Discover the Omron A6S Standard Surface-Mounting Slide DIP Switch

Learn more about the features and benefits of designing with the A6S DIP switch.

The Omron A6S is an innovative DIP switch showcasing a wide range of models with 1 to 10 poles and a standard pitch of 2.54mm between adjacent terminal pins. The A6S offers a variety of options including flat or raised actuators for optimal mounting placement. As an added feature, versions with a flat actuator have a reduced mounting space and can also be ordered with washable seal tape. The innovative design of the A6S DIP switch accounts for infrequent on-off switching by ensuring high-contact reliability while the switch is left unused for an extended period. This is done by utilizing a unique self-cleaning mechanism that scrapes off the contact surface during on-off switching, and with a structure that has a high-contact pressure mechanism and gold-plated contact pins. The A6S DIP switch is also available with a small-reel embossed taping (100-500pcs).

Features and Benefits

  • Washable seal tape versions available

  • High reliability with gold-plated twin contacts

  • Automatic mounting available with embossed taping in both large and small reels

Applications for the A6S DIP Switch

  • Factory automation equipment

  • Servo controllers

  • Temperature controllers

  • Industrial machines

  • Computer peripherals

  • Communication devices



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