Arrow honored at German Brand Award 2016

Arrow Electronics is one of the 2016 winners in the “Industry Excellence of Branding” category at the German Brand Award. The award was presented by the renowned German Design Council and rewards businesses for exemplary brand management.

Arrow’s success is the result of the intelligent brand strategy the company developed in cooperation with Ogilvy & Mather. This strategy is built on the concept of being “Five Years Out”. This principle guides everything at Arrow, from their brand values to their corporate design and gives the distributors portfolio of electronic components and IT solutions a clear organizing principal.

The “Five Years Out” concept also serves as a base and starting point for initiatives and campaigns. A recent example of this is the “Heroes of Innovation” campaign. This was developed to support and give credit to inventors who have dedicated themselves to helping individuals and the wider society. This campaign shows the true strength of the concept - it doesn’t solely put the brand and its products in the limelight. The campaign also had a heavy focus on social content, which is truly rare in the B2B area.

Arrow’s innovative and comprehensive approach to their brand has convinced the German Design Council. An expert jury has chosen the company as a winner in the category “Industry Excellence in Branding“.

The German Brand Award aims to identify and present groundbreaking brands and brand managers. Consistent brand management is as crucial as sustainable communication. The jury of the German Brand Award consists of independent experts of various disciplines from enterprises, universities, and scientific institutions. Only brands nominated by the German Brand Institute were eligible to participate in the competition.

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