NIC Components high-performance power inductors offer versatile size, frequency, and performance options

NIC Components (NIC), a leading supplier of high-performance passive components, proudly leads the way in delivering state-of-the-art passive solutions for your power systems. Whether you're designing wearable devices or large-scale transportation and industrial systems, NIC's extensive selection of molded power inductors is meticulously designed to meet your diverse needs.

The NPIS_L and NPIS_LS families use an automated assembly process, achieving ultra-compact sizes while still accommodating higher current ratings compared to conventional power inductors of the same footprint. The incorporation of resin shielding material contributes to increased noise reduction, making these inductors an excellent choice for modern efficient DC-DC converters. The NPIS_L series provides 10 footprint options, while the NPIS_LS series offers 13 footprint options. Case sizes for both series range from 2.5mm x 2.0mm to 8mm x 8mm (length x width), with inductance values spanning from 0.68uH to 330uH. These power inductor series are particularly well-suited for mid-current DC/DC converters, LED drivers, and noise suppression applications across a wide range of size factors. The AEC-Q200 qualified NPIS_L series extends its support to automotive applications, including instrumentation, in-dash systems, and sensor applications.

The NPIM_PA series stands as NIC's primary choice for molded power inductors. This series represents NIC's most extensive value range, catering to the fundamental performance requirements of metal composite molded power inductors. These AEC-Q200 qualified inductors offer a remarkable array of features, including high current ratings and reduced DCR. A total of 27 footprint options are available with case sizes ranging from 3.5mm x 3.2mm to 17.6mm x 16.9mm (length x width) and inductance values spanning from 0.1uH to 220uH, all with a ±20% (M) inductance tolerance. The NPIM_PA series is ideal for applications in DC-DC converters, LED drivers, point-of-sale (POS) equipment, GPS devices, wireless communications, and security and alarm systems across the automotive, commercial, and industrial sectors.

For designs necessitating heightened reliability and performance, the NPIM_Z series stands out with its advantages over the NPIM_PA. The AEC-Q200 certified NPIM_Z boasts impressive current ratings, extraordinarily low DCR, minimal acoustic noise, and remarkably low leakage flux noise. This series offers twelve footprint variations, encompassing sizes ranging from 4.1mm x 4.1mm to 17.5mm x 16.5mm (length x width), with component heights spanning from 1.9mm to 4.8mm. Inductance values within this series span from 0.1uH to 33uH, all adhering to a ±20% (M) inductance tolerance. The NPIM_Z series finds its ideal application in demanding scenarios that demand ultra-low DCR and peak saturation performance, such as industrial IoT, robotics, and automotive applications, all while operating efficiently within a temperature range of -55°C to +155°C.

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