High-voltage switches for high-power-density chargers & adapters

Infineon’s renowned CoolMOS™ 7 superjunction MOSFETs available in various SMD packages, and numerous RDS(on) classes help you shrink the size of your charger design.

Looking for high-performers? In that case, you may opt either for the CoolMOS™ C7 or the P7 technology. Both housed in a tiny ThinPAK 8x8 package, enabling high-power-density solutions. Price/performance is key? Then the 600 V CoolMOS™ PFD7 in DPAK package (TO-252) with fast-switching capabilities in combination with outstanding
ease-of-use is the right choice for you.

To fully meet the requirements of contemporary charging designs, Infineon provides a granular portfolio of complementing low-voltage MOSFETs, digital controllers, as well as USB-PD protocol solutions.

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Charger & Adapter Brochure

CoolMOS™ PFD7 Application Note

ThinPAK 8x8 Application Note

CoolMOS™ P7 Application Note

CoolMOS™ C7 Design Guide


eLearning: CoolMOS™ P7 & PFD7 for power and gardening tool chargers

eLearning: CoolMOS™ PFD7 for High Power Density Designs

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Reference Board - REFXDPS2108165W1TOBO1

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