Compact Honeywell MPR MicroPressure Sensors for Medical and Commercial Applications

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Honeywell’s newest line of board-mounted pressure sensors is the MPR MicroPressure series. These compact pressure sensors are an easy to use, value-conscious option, with a wide pressure range and Internet of Things (IoT) ready interfacing. The MPR series is designed to provide highly accurate results for high-volume medical applications, such as blood pressure monitors, as well as industrial and commercial systems.

While all members of the MicroPressure line tout the same compact 25 mm2 footprint, each individual sensor offered here at Arrow features a variety of options to best suit any commercial, medical or industrial design. The MPRLS0001PG0000SA has a 0 to 1 psi gage pressure range, with a maximum overload pressure of 5 psi, ±0.25% accuracy and an SPI output. The MPRSS0001PG00001A is nearly identical, except it features a shorter profile and an I2C, Address 0x18 output. MPRLS0015PA0000SA sports a 0 to 15 psi absolute pressure range with a maximum overload of 60 psi. The MPRLS0025PA00001A is similar, except with a larger 0 to 25 psi range and I2C, address 0x18 output. The MPRLN0300YG0000SA offers gage pressure over a 0 to 300 mmHg range and an SPI output.

Overall, the new MPR MicroPressure series of piezoresistive, silicone pressure sensors are a great space-saving solution to high-volume medical, industrial and commercial systems.




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