Industrial-scale AI solutions at the edge with NVIDIA Jetson

Robotics and automation are bringing new levels of enhanced safety, efficiency, and reliability to manufacturing, construction, agriculture, energy, and other industries.

From factories and farms to refineries and construction sites, the world is full of places that are critically important, yet ever-changing, hot, noisy, and potentially dangerous to people. These places all need inspection and maintenance alongside their everyday operations, but given safety concerns and working conditions, it’s not always best to send in humans.

The new NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ Industrial module makes it possible to deploy AI at the edge in harsh environments where safety and reliability are critical priorities.

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The following use cases demonstrate how customers have used the NVIDIA Jetson™ Edge AI platform to overcome industrial-scale challenges:

Autonomous Drones for Inspection and High-Precision Photogrammetry

Inspection drones need integration to high-end sensor technology, exceptional image quality, and extensive compute power to deliver the best results. Alerion, a leader in AI-enabled drone technology, uses both an auto-pilot program and AI damage detection for the drone to correctly orient itself and identify damages to turbines in wind farms. See how they achieve accuracy within a fully autonomous system here.

Another challenge is operating in a complex, harsh environment. Mining sites, for example, are remote, lack access to sufficient Internet, and are often hazardous for workers. Customers also require instant real-time feedback to make quick decisions. Learn how drone mapping and data analytics innovator SkyCatch enables users to access datasets to empower critical decision-making in the field.

Improving Efficiency in Supply Chain Logistics and Production

Inventory management has always been a critical challenge for manufacturers, especially with the rise of just-in-time manufacturing and lean supply chains. Using AI-powered solutions—such as pick-and-place robots, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), and automated optical inspection—companies can cut inefficiencies in their production lines while reducing repetitive tasks and improving safety. As an example of AMR deployment, see how Arculus used the Jetson platform to optimize video data captured by a network of cameras, enabling the system to recognize obstacles in its path and navigate safely around them.

Secure, Reliable Applications in Harsh Environments

Many companies have struggled to incorporate the benefits of AI and deep learning, especially in the most demanding applications with extreme requirements. Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial addresses this need with enhanced support for complex and changing operating environments, new reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features, and functional-safety capabilities.

This new Jetson AGX Xavier series module delivers extended operating environment capabilities that enable developers to build advanced, AI-enabled, ruggedized systems. The module is built for the toughest use cases in industrial, aerospace, defense, construction, agriculture, logistics, inventory management, delivery, inspection, and healthcare. This makes it ideal for applications requiring autonomy and AI, including intelligent video analytics, automated optical inspection, and robotics.

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Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial

Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial combines the supercomputing capabilities of Jetson AGX Xavier with new reliability, availability, and serviceability features. These include error-correction codes, single-error correction, double-error detection, and parity protection to deliver internal RAM resilience, address and data bus error detection, and correction and IP resiliency in industrial applications.

The module comes with functional safety capabilities supervised by the Safety Cluster Engine (SCE), making it suitable for safety-certified industrial-grade products. In addition, it has up to 20X the performance and 4X the memory of the NVIDIA Jetson TX2i. The Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial module is also form factor and pin-compatible with the Jetson AGX Xavier, and contains the same key accelerators and high-speed I/Os.

Built for the Most Demanding Industrial Use Cases

In the oil and gas industry, anomaly and failure predictions at the edge are needed in real-time based on monitoring or inspection of pipelines, valves, equipment, and maintenance work. The extended reliability of the module allows it to be used in safety, predictive maintenance, and compliance, and wherever equipment remains always-on in changing environmental conditions.

Similarly, construction sites use heavy equipment that have to operate reliably in various climates. Farms need tractors that can carry fertilizers and herbicide sprayers, and harvest thousands of acres of crops on various terrains. And unmanned aerial vehicles and drones can experience extreme shock and vibration while flying in harsh environments.

Healthcare also demands the highest levels of performance and reliability, including point-of-care ultrasounds and patient monitors that require consistent operation over long lifetimes.

Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial provides the features necessary to bring safety and autonomy to all of these applications. It’s available to order now and will be available in late July 2021. Developers can start building the smartest edge and embedded systems for their industrial applications today using the Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit, downloading NVIDIA JetPack™, and designing with all the documentation available on the NVIDIA Jetson site.

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