Intel® BMP Smart Building Management Solutions

Arrow’s offering of Intel® Building Management Platform (Intel BMP) pre-integrated commercial grade platform accelerates time-to-revenue for manageable smart building solutions.

Intel BMP integrated with CANDI PowerTools includes platform security and manageability that make it easy to create smart building management solutions for small and mid-size buildings. Intel BMP provides a pre-integrated, commercial- grade, secure embedded Linux offering from Wind River; IoT middleware that handles connections and data access from things; cloud-based device provisioning from CANDI Controls and cybersecurity essentials from Intel® Security.

Intel’s BMP platform takes many divergent building systems and sensors and aggregates them into a coherent time and cost saving system. With Arrow’s vast array of sensor solutions, knowledge and experience, we can facilitate evaluating your current and future sensor requirements and support the development of a more powerful building management solution.

Primary Use Cases

Energy Monitoring

  1. Metering
  2. Data Acquisition
  3. Rooftop Unit (RTU)/Air Handling Unit (AHU)/Building Control System (BCS) Monitoring

HVAC and Comfort Management

  1. RTU/AHU/BCS Monitoring
  2. Thermostat monitor and control
  3. Sensor monitoring
  4. Rules-based actions

Lighting & Power

  1. Lighting monitor and control
  2. Outlet & Switch monitor and control
  3. Sensor monitoring
  4. Rules-based actions

1117 Intel BMP Updated Workflow

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