Intel – Delivering Agility and Flexibility for a Data-Centric World

Bringing the essential components and solutions for a Data-Centric World!

Agilex FPGA
The Intel® Agilex™ FPGA family brings together the power of Intel’s 10 nm process technology, 3D heterogeneous system-in-package (SiP) integration, and Intel’s proprietary Embedded Multi-Die Interconnect Bridge (EMIB) with an innovative chiplet-based architecture to deliver customized connectivity and acceleration for a variety of applications.From the edge through the network to the cloud, an explosion of data is driving the need for flexibility and agility in the products that process, move, and store data. Advances in analytics are pushing hardware systems to cope with evolving standards, support varying workloads, and integrate multiple functions.


The Exor Embedded gS01 is an innovative, high-performance, very efficient, ultra-compact SOM based on Atom E39xx Intel® CPU cores and Intel® Cyclone 10 GX FPGAs. Utilizing Intel® Atom processors and FPGAs allow for the consolidation of IPCs, HMIs, PLCs, and more onto one platform, which can then be scaled across a range of use cases. Flexible architecture, broad compatibility, and sophisticated virtualization deliver the performance headroom to combine and scale these systems.

The new Intel Atom processors used in gS01 provide a single flexible architecture with a wide range of features and functions.

The gS01 offers exceptional processing performance per watt and improved graphics capability. The new Intel® Atom processor also enables Intel TCC Technology, which makes demanding and real-time applications possible. In addition, enhanced hardware-level security helps protect data and reduces risks and downtime.

The gS01 is designed for highly reliable systems and rugged environments, delivering high performance, low power consumption, and optimal MTBF for 24/7 systems working in extremely hostile conditions.


Market Ready Solutions

Intel® IoT Market Ready Solutions are scalable, repeatable, end-to-end solutions that are currently available in the market. These solutions are made up of sensors, edge hardware, software, cloud, and analytics from across the IoT ecosystem and delivered through one provider. Through the Intel® IoT Market Ready Solutions program, Intel is verifying that these solutions deliver innovative business transformation by leveraging actionable insights.

Visit the Intel wall at the Arrow Embedded World 2020 booth!

Arrow Intel FPGA Promotion Boards:

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