Intel FMC Connector Boards

Intel FPGA-based development kits from Intel and ecosystem partners provide a complete and flexible design environment for engineers. By incorporating connectors like the FMC, engineers can now easily configure and test analog functionality to meet system requirements.

List of Intel® Arria® 10 boards with the FMC connector

Board Name  Brief Description  Category  Partner
 MitySOM-A10S SOM and Development kit
(Coming Soon)
 Intel Arria 10 SOM (with 270K LEs to 480K LEs) in 780 pin package  SOM, Development kit  Critical Link
 Dream Chip Arria 10 SOM and Evaluation Baseboard  Intel Arria 10 SOM (with 160 to 480K LEs) in 780 pin package. Ideal for vision applications and industrial automation  SOM, Development kit  Dream Chip


 Based on the Intel® Arria® 10 SX and GX families. Supports up to 660K LE devices  SOM, Development kit  iWave Systems
Achilles Instant-Development Kit Arria 10 SoC SOM SOM and development kit based on Intel Arria 10 SX (10AS066H2F34I1SG) device up to 660K LEs  Development kit REFLEX CES
(Coming Soon)"
Kit features an Intel Arria 10 device (10AX115S2F45I1SG) and a one-year license for the Intel® Quartus® Prime design software  Development kit  Terasic


List of Intel Stratix 10 boards with the FMC connector

Board Name  Brief Description Category  Partner
Sargon Instant-Development Kit Stratix 10 FPGA FMC+ IDK Development kit based on Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGAs SX with 2800K LEs


Development kit




List of Intel Cyclone FMC boards with the FMC connector

Board Name  Brief Description  Category  Partner 
(Coming Soon)
 Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit


COTS, Development kit


DE10-Nano Kit


 Dev kit based on Cyclone® V SE 5CSEBA6U23I7 device (110K LEs)


 Development kit  Terasic


1. List of Analog Devices boards with the FMC connector
2. JESD204B Survival Guide
3. Learn about JESD204B Link Debugging Guidelines


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