Ultra-Stable X8R Ceramic Capacitors from Kemet Electronics

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KEMET Electronics Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers of capacitors worldwide. With their new line of multilayer ceramic capacitors, the Ultra-Stable X8R dielectric family of surface-mount commercial and automotive grade capacitors.

Featuring reliable high-temperature dielectric properties and a robust operating temperature range, this family of capacitors are ideal for extreme applications, from automotive to aerospace environments. The Ultra-Stable X8R series offers a wide variety of specifications to best suit your solution’s capacitance needs. See the ordering information table below for details on these specs.


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As you can see above, the series includes several package sizes, from 4” x 2” to 18” x 12” footprints. There is also a large selection of capacitances, ranging between 0.5 and 2200 pF, with ±1 to ±20% tolerancing options. The series also has extremely low ESL and ESR, as well as high-ripple current capabilities. The “meat and potatoes” of the series is its extensive operating temperature range of -55 to 150 oC, which provides incredible versatility in strenuous situations. Due to these features, the X8R family meets and exceeds the Automotive Electronics Council’s requirements for automotive-grade componentry, with the possibility for both commercial and automotive use.

For your commercial or automotive system, no matter how arduous, KEMET’s Ultra-Stable X8R capacitors will surely be the best option.


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