LattePanda, the Perfect Windows 10 SBC for Your Intelligent Factory

The LattePanda is a powerful, palm-sized single-board computer that enables Industry 4.0 deployment. Learn about its specifications, features, and capabilities in this article.

The LattePanda runs full Windows 10 or Linux, and comes in three different performance specifications.

Features/Products   LattePanda   LattePanda Delta   LattePanda Alpha  
CPU   Intel Atom x5-z8350  Intel Celeron N4100  Intel Core-m38100Y 
Benchmarks PassMark   1301  2000+  3539 

Intel HD Graphics


Intel UHD Graphics 600


Supports eGPC  

Intel HD Graphics 615


Support eGPC  

Windows 10 Home

Windows 10 Pro Linux   Windows 10 Pro Linux  

As factories continue to transition to Industry 4.0-levels of automation, it’s important that machines and devices communicate in real-time to avoid production downtime. The LattePanda, with live display and processing of factory operations, enables this. 

Visual dashboards are the avenue through which plant operators and managers gain actionable insights about production efficiency. The powerful LattePanda is fully supportive of the development and display of these types of dashboards. Additionally, with Andon capability, LattePanda can provide automatic alerts of any quality or processing problems. This allows plant personnel to make adjustments and fix problems before they cause costly delays.

The LattePanda is an ideal microcomputer to help factory managers bring their lines up to Industry 4.0 specifications. For more information, click through to the article.

For more information, click through to the article.


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