Leading-edge aviation solutions from Microchip

Designers of civil, commercial and military aircraft & sub-systems face extremely tough development challenges almost daily. Microelectronics in aircraft need to be absolutely dependable, robust, efficient, lightweight and well-integrated, so it’s important that designers choose the right components. In this article, discover innovative new aviation solutions from Microchip, including actuation systems, cabin management, engine systems, engine controls, RF & microwave systems and cockpit avionics.

The aviation sector continues to require higher levels of reliability and integration of electronics in modern aircraft systems. To meet these requirements, Microchip offers leading-edge solutions that are based on decades of experience and provide established reliability over extended temperature environments for demanding aviation platforms and critical aviation applications. Microchip’s broad product portfolio and capabilities—coupled with a track record for innovation, quality and reliability—are well-positioned to support next-generation platforms.

Cabin Management Systems

  • Cabin lighting and control
  • Flight entertainment systems
  • Air conditioning and management systems

Actuation Systems

  • Landing systems
  • Deicing systems
  • Wheels and braking systems
  • High lift control and monitoring
  • Primary and secondary actuation systems

Engine Systems and Controls

  • Engine and APU controls
  • Starter generator systems
  • Fuel management systems
  • Power conversion and distribution systems
  • Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)

RF and Microwave Systems

  • Communication radios
  • Airborne weather radar
  • Satellite communication systems
  • Air traffic control primary surveillance radar

Cockpit Avionics

  • Flight control systems
  • Data management systems
  • Health monitoring systems
  • Crew interface systems

Explore Microchip’s portfolio of products

ASICs Communication
Discretes Electromechanical
FPGAs Frequency and
MCUs and MPUs Memory
Mixed-Signal ICs Power Management RF, Microwave,
Millimeter Wave

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