New from Analog Devices: The Power by Linear LTM4661 μModule® Regulator

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New from the Power by Linear division of Analog Devices Inc. comes the μModule® LTM4661. The LTM4661 is an all-in-one 15 V, 4 A step-up regulator that incorporates a switching controller, inductor, a set of power FETs and other supporting componentry into one compact (<40 mm2) package. The new μModule® device is designed to slim down overall system costs in applications such as telecom transceivers or RF amplifiers. It does this by reducing auxiliary componentry requirements to only a bulk power input, a limiting resistor and output capacitor, all while still meeting the high-performance expectations you’ve come to trust from Analog Devices.


The LTM4661 offers several features to ensure optimal performance and safety for your solution. Touting a dual phase, single output architecture with a 1 MHz switching frequency and frequency synchronization, the LTM4661 provides fast transient response with decreased output ripple voltage. It also is capable of proprietary Power by Linear selectable Burst Mode and PolyPhase® operations. For system safety, the step-up switching regulator contains overtemperature and voltage protections, as well as start-up inrush and short-circuit limitations. To best suit your design, the μModule® device offers industrial and extended operation temperature ranges.

Analog Devices’ Power by Linear μModule® LTM4661 is an ideal addition to provide high-quality operation to any telecom or RF power system, as well as battery-powered DC motor applications

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