LTE For IoT Arrives At Last: How Long Term Evolution Technology Stands To Change The IoT Marketplace

With the release of Particle's E Series LTE Module, accessible, scalable LTE for IoT has finally come to fruition. This white paper covers how, with this new technology, everyone from individual developers to multinational corporations will find real, substantive value from this new form of cellular connectivity. In addition to reduced hardware costs and superior coverage, LTE adopters will be certain to future-proof their products from the inevitable sun-setting of 2G and 3G bands.

For the past two to three years, both the cellular and IoT industries have been abuzz with the imminent arrival of cheap, lightning-fast, widely-accessible LTE. Entrepreneurs, developers, companies, and journalists have waited patiently as deadline after deadline passed. But eventually, that patience gave way to frustration and ridicule. And rightly so.

Finally, with the release of Particle's E Series LTE Module, accessible, scalable LTE for IoT has finally come to fruition. With this new technology, everyone from individual developers to multinational corporations will find real, substantive value from this new form of cellular connectivity. In addition to reduced hardware costs and superior coverage, LTE adopters will be certain to future-proof their products from the inevitable sun-setting of 2G and 3G bands.


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