On-demand webinar: Maximizing safe and cost-effective output with circuit protection for solar architecture

Register now for a free and on-demand webinar from Littelfuse covering how to cut costs and increase the output of a photovoltaic (PV) system.

The building of a solar infrastructure can depend on economic drivers and the pressure to achieve parity with traditional electrical power sources. Therefore, cutting costs and increasing the output of a photovoltaic (PV) system is a priority. One way to achieve these objectives is by enhancing the circuit protection within the architecture.

Solar applications require unique circuit protection for handling extreme temperature variations, harsh ambient temperatures, high DC voltages, low-overload currents and more. To meet these requirements, a more economical architecture can be designed by adding in proper solar circuit protection. This addition brings big gains for safeguarding equipment, reducing downtime and increasing safety. Solar circuit protection also creates a more efficient and cost-effective PV system with maximum output.

Attendees of this webinar will learn:

  • Why solar fuses are unique compared to general-purpose fuses
  • Solar standard requirements and how to design in safety
  • How to properly size fuses to increase efficiencies
  • The difference between the prevalent system architectures
  • The benefits of using high-ampacity solar fuses to reduce architecture costs and improve safety

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