New Product Introduction: The Cypress CYW920706WCDEVAL

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In an Internet of Things (IoT) world, where interconnectivity and wireless communications like Bluetooth and onboard Wi-Fi are becoming paramount, the necessity for determining the efficacy of these embedded systems is growing at a similar rate. To fill this cavity, Cypress has created a simple, yet conducive tool in their Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices (WICED) CYW920706WCDEVAL kit.


The kit can be used to carry out the necessary tasks for fully evaluating a WICED system. Included in the kit is the evaluation board, a dual-mode System-on-a-Chip (SoC) that has two built-in processors (a baseband and an ARM Cortex-M3) and a transceiver for communicating with your PC. The kit also contains a gamut of test points, ports, switches, jumpers and pins to connect the board to your system. Once connected to your access points, the CYW920706WCDEVAL can be used to test your connectivity, as well as troubleshoot and debug any errors or otherwise troublesome spots in the code.

The Cypress CYW920706WCDEVAL is an integral tool for perfecting the Bluetooth capabilities of your embedded system, and it will help you to better connect your IoT devices.

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