ON Semiconductor’s Battery-free Smart Passive Sensor (SPS™) Solutions

ON Semiconductor’s SPS™ family of UHF RIFD wireless sensors enable remote sensing, data aggregation, and analysis of temperature, moisture, proximity, or pressure, at the network edge. They are ideal for a variety of IoT applications where size and accessibility are at a premium and where running wires or replacing batteries may be impractical. Sensors digitize sensed parameter information which can then be read by a standard UHF RFID Gen 2 compliant reader.

SPS Diagram

Temperature Sensors:

The temperature tags are designed for passive sensing of temperature on metal, non-metal surfaces and ceramic surfaces for monitoring critical temperature thresholds. The tags are perfect for predictive maintenance applications in industries and in data centers.

Moisture Sensors:

The moisture tags are designed for the passive sensing of moisture on various surfaces or finished goods made of plastics, wood, ceramic, soil, and plaster. The tags can detect moisture level/leak detection and for quality control and can be deployed in varied industrial settings.

Fluid Level Sensors:

The fluid level detection sensor tag is specifically designed for the passive sensing of fluid through thin surfaces such as plastics. The tag digitizes sensed fluid level information and can be deployed in a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.

SPS UHF Reader Hub & UHF Antenna:

SPSDEVR1-8 UHF SPS Reader is designed to enable optimized system performance for applications using ON Semiconductor Sensors. This reader is compatible with the EPC global Gen 2 UHF standard and supports both ETSI and FCC frequency bands.

Read more: Download the product brief


Development Kit: The SPSDEVK1MT-GEVK

Predictive Maintenance Turnkey Solution Kit

This evaluation kit enables fast installation of full Smart Passive Sensor systems. Features include:

  • SPSDEVR1−8 UHF SPS Reader
  • 2 SPS1DEVA1−W UHF Antennas w/ RF cables
  • 20 SPSxT001PCB Temperature Sensors
  • 20 SPSxT001PET Temperature Sensors
  • 20 SPSxM001FOM Moisture Sensors
  • 20 SPSxT001CER Temperature Sensors
  • 20 SPSxTM01PET Moisture Sensors
  • 12 V DC Universal Power Supply
  • Ethernet Cable
  • Analytic Software

Development kit: SPSDEVK1-PET-GEVK

Smart Passive Sensor with Temperature Sensors

This kit includes:

  • SPSDEVR1-8: SPS 8 ports Reader (1 EA)
  • SPSDEVA1-W: SPS Whip Antenna (8 EA)
  • SPS1T001PET: Temperature Sensor tag on non-metal (50 EA)
  • 12V DC Power supply with universal adaptors
  • Ethernet Cable
  • Analytic Software

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