OPTIGA™ Trust Charge from Infineon

OPTIGA™ Trust Charge - The trusted authentication solution for secured wireless charging supporting compliance with Qi 1.3

Infineon’s OPTIGA™ Trust Charge is the new turnkey solution providing secured device authentication for inductive wireless charging according to the Qi 1.3 wireless charging standard (issued by the Wireless Power Consortium - WPC). Secured authentication with OPTIGA™ Trust Charge contributes to device and user safety by protecting against fake chargers.

Body Image 2-Infineon-OPTIGA-Trust-Charge

Highly optimized, increased security with full system integration support

  • •  OPTIGA™ Trust Charge comes in a small USON10-2 package (3x3 mm) optimized for compact devices and thus fits into any charging platform. It is ideal for a wide range of consumer applications.
  • •  With its Common Criteria EAL6+ (high) certification OPTIGA™ Trust Charge exceeds WPC’s Qi 1.3 security requirements, giving customers the advantage of increased security.
  • •  The pre-loading of WPC specific keys and certificates at Infineon's ecurity-certified manufacturing environment makes it easy for customers to build in security capabilities.
  • •  OPTIGA™ Trust Charge is a complete turnkey solution with full system integration support including embedded software, host software, a development board, a reference board and documentation for fast and easy design-in.

Key Features

  • •  WPC Qi 1.3 authentication
  • •  Common Criteria EAL6+ (high) certified hardware
  • •  ECDSA P-256 authentication
  • •  NIST P-256, SHA-2 cryptography
  • •  Up to 10 kB user memory
  • •  Qi certificate format
  • •  PKI
  • •  I2C serial communication
  • •  USON10-2 package (3 x 3 mm)
  • •  Extended temperature range version available

Further information

Body Image 3-Infineon-OPTIGA-Trust-Charge

OPTIGA™ Trust Charge evaluation kit

Use the Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust Charge evaluation kit to familiarize yourself with our hardware authentication solution for wireless charging, OPTIGA™ Trust Charge.

The kit combines our proven turnkey authentication solution with a powerful microcontroller, the XMC4700. Users can connect OPTIGA™ Trust Charge and explore its functionality and features through the I2C interface. Customers can use this kit for design-in or to create a good reference design for their own OPTIGA™ Trust Charge wireless charging application.

Host software and further application guides can be downloaded from the OPTIGA™ Trust Charge
github-page: https://github.com/Infineon/optiga-trust-charge

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