OPTIGA™ Trust M Express

As the internet of things continues to grow at exponential rates, it’s vitally important that users can trust their data’s security. In this article, get an overview of the Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust M Express, a powerful cryptographic security solution that enables the secure deployment of IoT devices to the cloud at scale.

OPTIGA™ Trust M Express offers rock-solid security for IoT devices every step of the way from manufacturing through cloud onboarding to field deployment.

The cryptographic identity of OPTIGA™ Trust M Express is provisioned in a certified and secured Infineon fab. It is protected from exposure at all stages during the product's lifetime. This off-the-shelf solution removes the need for secured ID injection during IoT device manufacturing. This allows you to enhance the security of your IoT devices and their cloud connectivity while simplifying the production flow, accelerating time-to-market, and increasing cost efficiency.

OPTIGA™ Trust M Express is offered in combination with CIRRENT™ Cloud ID - Infineon´s cloud service that automates IoT device certificate registration and device provisioning in the product cloud at scale with zero manual intervention. This saves time and resources, protects against human error, and makes the process highly scalable.

Summary of Features

  • Pre-provisioned with ready-to-use certificates and keys for AWS multi-account registration and Azure IoT Hub pre-registration
  • CIRRENT™ Cloud ID support for automated provisioning of IoT devices in the product cloud
  • CC EAL6+ (high) certified high-end security controller
    • ECC: NIST curves up to P-521,
    • Brainpool r1 curve up to 512 bits
    • RSA with keys up to 2048 bits
    • AES key up to 256 bits, HMAC up to SHA-512
    • TLS v1.2 PRF and HKDF up to SHA-512
    • True/Digital random number generators (TRNG/DRNG)
  • Cryptographic toolbox commands for SHA-256, ECC and RSA® features, AES, HMAC and key derivation


  • Save costs
    • Removes the need for a highly secured manufacturing environment
    • Removes the need to build and maintain a public key infrastructure
  • Go to market quickly
    • Off-the-shelf secure elements for faster design-in process
    • Removes the need for personalization during manufacturing
    • Easy-to-use developer kit for fast prototyping
    • NDA-free product documentation on GitHub
    • Ready to connect to Azure and AWS
  • Scale quickly
    • Automated device provisioning in the cloud
    • Product-to-cloud provisioning with zero manual intervention
    • Simplified device claiming process
  • Robust security
    • Based on CC EAL 6+ certified hardware
    • Support for all of the latest symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms
    • Unique and immutable identity provisioned in a CC-certified facility

Potential Applications

  • Smart cities
    • Street lights
  • Smart mobility
    • EV chargers
    • E-scooters
  • Smart buildings
    • Commercial HVAC systems
  • Smart homes
    • Residential aircons
    • Large home appliances
  • Industrial IoT
  • Healthcare
    • Connected dental equipment
    • Connected toothbrushes


The Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust M Express with CIRRENT™ Cloud ID platform

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