Outdoor lighting application guide

Innovative components from TE Connectivity can help you design and introduce cutting-edge outdoor lighting products. Discover a selection of rugged, easy-to-install connectors, power line filters, label solutions and more that are easy to integrate into new or existing outdoor LED fixtures.

Fixture solutions from TE are meticulously engineered to improve manufacturability, quicken the product development process, and meet regulatory standards worldwide.

Product Overview

   ● Light Engine Interconnects Offering low-profile interconnects, in surface mount and through-hole board mount configurations, designed to enable faster manufacturing and maximize design options while withstanding the harsh conditions of outdoor environments.

   ● Driver Interconnects TE offers a broad selection of user-friendly interconnects designed to reliably connect to the inputs and outputs of your driver. The wire-to-wire, wire-to-board and cable-to-cable interconnects deliver unmatched design flexibility and ease of use.

TE Solutions

TE Connectivity is the supplier of choice for LED components. With fully customized solutions available, it’s easy to source parts that meet the demands of even the most modern lighting applications. A stocking level of more than half a million part numbers ensures that you’ll be able to complete your design with the best possible item. TE’s global support network and availability of free samples helps you get to market quickly.

For more information, click through to the article.


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