Qualcomm Brings Snapdragon to the World with Arrow

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There is no questioning the expansion of the Internet of Things and the possibilities that accompany it. As time goes on, more and more devices will get connected and start communicating with one another, leading to developments and applications that are just as efficient as they are capable of incredible feats.

However, the technology powering this movement needs to be equally impressive if we’re going to make the most of the Internet of Things. Looking to increase its presence in this promising industry and to contribute to the innovation driving it forward, Qualcomm has introduced the Snapdragon 600E and 410E processors, which represent a portfolio of devices developed for embedded and IoT applications and incorporate the finest connectivity and computing technologies.

What is perhaps just as significant as the reveal of these versatile processors is the way in which Qualcomm has chosen to launch them. For the first time in its history, Qualcomm is making the Snapdragon 600E and 410E available through third party distributors, starting with Arrow Electronics. This launch has major implications for makers and developers everywhere, as in the past, many would-be customers simply didn’t have access to high-performance technology like Qualcomm’s microprocessors. That is no longer the case.

Users will now have the flexibility to integrate these processors into applications in various industries, and they will be able to take advantage of the Snapdragon development boards, commercial-ready modules and discrete processors for chip-on-board designs. The capable Snapdragon 600E with a quad-core 1.5GHz Qualcomm Krait 300 CPU is an excellent processor for use cases across storage as well as HDMI-connected devices with the Qualcomm® Adreno™ 320 GPU and Qualcomm® Hexagon™ DSP. It also supports integrated Bluetooth 4.0/LE & 3.x, 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac and GPS. The Snapdragon 410E features a 1.2GHz quad-core CPU and supports Bluetooth 4.1/LE, 802.11 b/g/n and GPS, and it is optimized for use in smart homes, digital signage, smart surveillance and industrial automation, among other applications.

With the increased accessibility of Snapdragon processors, designed to stand the test of time and to provide exceptional intelligence, heightened awareness and stable connectivity, users will be able to take the necessary steps to develop the comprehensive IoT technology that will connect and create our future. Qualcomm, a force to be reckoned with in next-generation wireless technologies, is here to usher in that transformation.

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