Raychem INSTALITE Molded Boots with Rayaten Shielding from TE Connectivity

TE Connectivity (TE) now offers the Rayaten family of high performance, rugged, versatile, heat-shrinkable molded parts, offering lightweight screening capability of 70 db of attenuation up to 1 Ghz.

The Raychem EMI shielded boots from TE Connectivity are available in two main product categories: the -25S and the -100S. The -25S range of fluid-resistant screened boots provides fuel and heat resistance, RFI, and EMI protection up to 80 dB. The operating temperature of the -25S range of boots ranges from –75°C to 150°C, and the heat-shrink tubing provides mechanical protection to cable strain. The -100S range of heat-shrink boots is low-fire-hazard–rated, with a low smoke index as defined by NES 711, low toxicity as defined by NES 713, and high temperature index as defined by NES 715. The -100S range of heat-shrink boots also offers EMI and RFI screening and has an operating temperature range of –30°C to 105°C.


Raychem INSTALITE Molded Boots article inset


Key Features

  • Operating temperature as low as –75°C and as high as 150°C (System 25)
  • EMI and RFI shield up to 80 dB at 100 MHz
  • ·-25S offers fluid resistance
  • 100S low fire hazard to NES 711, 713, and 715


  • Military Ground Vehicles
  • Missile and Missile Launchers
  • Naval Shipboard
  • Flight Control Systems
  • Radar Systems
  • C4ISR Systems

General Applications

  • High-speed circuits
  • Data transmission
  • Secure networks 

Click HERE to see Related Products from TE Connectivity 


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