Siemens Delivers High-Performance Industrial PC in a Small Footprint

Learn more about the Siemens Nanobox SIMATIC IPC227G and Nanopanel PC SIMATIC IPC277G, featuring the latest-generation Intel Atom® x6000E Series processors, enhanced for IoT.

Siemens has developed a flexible and easy-to-integrate solution in the Nanobox SIMATIC IPC227G and Nanopanel PC SIMATIC IPC277G. This solution is built with the Intel Atom® x6000E Series processor, enhanced for IoT to deliver exceptional compute and graphics performance—and advanced connectivity. Using this highly versatile processor, businesses can consolidate workloads, such as applications running programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and analytics, while getting abundant performance on the shop floor. This allows businesses to enable greater automation with graphics performance for machine vision or human-machine interface (HMI) applications and 5G connectivity.

The platform also supports Intel® Time Coordinated Computing (Intel® TCC) and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). These ensure both real-time-critical and non-real-time workloads can run simultaneously without competing for compute resources. As a result, users can reduce latency and keep appliances and machinery working with exceptional coordination.

Learn how this solution works and more about the key benefits of the Intel Atom x6000E Series platform in this solution brief from Intel.

Download Solution Brief


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