Toshiba Leading Innovation with Photocouplers

An optocoupler, also called an optoisolator or photocoupler, uses light to communicate between isolated parts of a circuit. The light emitting diode resides on the circuit that will be sending the signal, and an output circuit (which can be a phototransistor, logic gates, MOSFET combination, photovoltaic array, triac or thyristor) lives on the other side.

While these two components typically are in the same package, there is no natural path for current to flow from one side to the other. These safety devices are capable of providing high isolation between high voltage and low voltage systems.

While digital isolators are increasing in popularity, they cannot offer the same isolation benefits of an optocoupler, especially in applications that require reinforced isolation with DTI >0.4mm. Moreover, compared to digital isolators, Toshiba’s optocouplers have very low power consumption both on the input and output side, made possible with the latest MQW LED and Bi-CMOS process technologies. For example, high speed coupler parts like the TLP2361 that require such a low trigger current the designer can omit the drive buffer. The TLP2767 and TLP2367 families are capable of up to 50Mbps in SO6 packages with only 5mm of height clearance.  Other devices offer DTI>0.4mm and 5kVrms of isolation in SO6L packages, all with low power consumption and high noise immunity.

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Toshiba Fotoaccoppiatori di uscita logici Visualizza

Toshiba’s legacy parts like the TLP185 family require about 12mW, achievable with LED voltages of 1.25V to 1.3V and input current in the realm of 10mA to 16mA.  Now, Toshiba pushes the barriers even further with the TLP183/TLP293/TLP383 families that require only 0.5mA– a 20x power savings over classic optocouplers! Power consumption is not the only concern a designer faces.  With the new MQW LED technology, Toshiba optocouplers have longer lifetimes and maintain performance even at high temperatures.

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Toshiba Transistor e fotoaccoppiatori in uscita fotovoltaici Visualizza

Toshiba supports the full range of photocouplers and strives to offer the best coupler for every application.  Transistor output photocouplers like the TLP383 family require only fractions of a watt to function and offer 5kV isolation.  Logic output photocouplers like the TLP104 family use inverter type logic and have switching times under 500ns.  The new TLP2767 is capable of 50Mbps – one of the fastest on the market today.  IGBT and FET gate drivers like the TLP352 and TLP5702 families can drive devices with a peak output current of 2.5A from a supply of only 5mA.  Non-zero-cross/zero-cross products like the TLP3073/TLP3083 photo TRIAC, have high terminal voltage of 800Vdrm, low trigger current, and good noise immunity.  Toshiba also supports the telecom, consumer and ATE fields with photorelay products like the TLP3549 family that offers industry leading current control up to 5A.  Tester equipment benefits from photocouplers in very tiny S-VSON4 packages. 

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Toshiba Fotoaccoppiatori in uscita Triac e SCR Visualizza

Whether you need a FET driver, zero crossing photoTRIAC or super-fast optocoupler, Toshiba will have a low-power, high-isolation solution in an ideal package for your application.  

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