Power Delivery Networks: Power of the module

Power delivery networks are rapidly changing within many end systems across many industries today. The power requirements for these different systems vary widely from each other and require a wide portfolio of modules to enable the maximum flexibility for a modular power component methodology to be employed.

Vicor’s modular power component approach signifies a new standard within the power industry, addressing the increasing power needs of modern, high-performance end systems with a methodology that also provides other power system benefits such as reduced power system footprint, high efficiency, and faster time to market.

Vicor power module inset

Vicor has established a power module capability spanning product design, manufacturing, simulation, and selection tools. This capability allows Vicor to enable power systems designers to deploy high-performance power delivery networks (PDNs) quickly and easily from the power source to the point-of-load (PoL) for end systems extending across many industries.

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