Vishay® Medium Voltage TrenchFET® Gen IV Power MOSFET

TrenchFET® Gen IV Medium Voltage MOSFETs

Vishay®’s new TrenchFET® Gen IV medium voltage MOSFETs enable the HIGHEST efficiency, INCREASE power density, REDUCE component count, are COMPACT and HIGHLY EFFICIENT with Industry best RDS(ON) - Qoss Figure of Merit.

-- Reduced RDS(ON) minimizes conduction related power loss. Unlocks performance of compact packages and increases power density.
-- Low Coss to decrease key switching loss contributor. Further reduces power loss per device. 
-- These design philosophies greatly impact the efficiency in switch-mode power supplies, motor drives and load switching.  

New TrenchFET® Gen IV
SIR626DP-T1-RE3 -- 60V EU DWP
SIR182DP-T1-RE3 -- 60V Global DWP
SIR186DP-T1-RE3 -- 60V Global DWP
SIR184DP-T1-RE3 -- 60V Global DWP
SIS184DN-T1-GE3 -- 60V Global DWP
SIR680DP-T1-RE3 -- 80V Global DWP



Advanced Package Design 
Clip with minimum resistance and parasitic inductance

-- Reduce package contributed resistance by 66%
-- Maximize performance out of the silicon 
-- Diversity in package offerings – package footprint down to 2-by-2 mm-square

More Efficient Synchronous Rectification
-- Shrink conduction loss by 40%, more power density 
-- Reduce power loss from switching, potentially up to 60% 

Below 1.7 mΩ in PowerPAK® S-O8
-- Reduce 25% RDS(ON) from current 60V TrenchFET® IV 
-- 70% COSS reduction from prior generation
-- Very low COSS and Qoss, reduces switching related power loss in synchronous rectification


-- Synchronous rectification
-- Primary side switch
-- DC/DC converter
-- Solar micro inverter
-- Motor drive switch
-- Battery and load switch
-- Industrial

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