Wireline Infrastructure Computing

Our timing and power solutions reduce component count and logistics for applications such as 10G-400G Ethernet switches, enterprise core and edge routers, optical transport networks, packet transport networks and access network equipment.

With demanding power and performance requirements, wireline infrastructure computing elements are placing increasingly difficult demands on power and timing solutions. The combination of high performance and specialized timing along with a broad portfolio of power products addresses the needs of these modern systems.

Timing requirements are especially challenging in the latest wireline equipment. Solutions offered to meet these challenges include the industry’s best and most flexible support of SyncE/IEEE1588 providing a single chip synchronization solution to reduce component count and logistics.

Typical applications include 10G-400G Ethernet switches, enterprise core and edge routers, optical transport networks, packet transport networks, and access network equipment.

Timing Key Features:

  • High Performance flexible synchronization and I/O features provides centralized timing solution to ease design

  • High performance with programmability allows flexibility in addressing changes to design and fast time-to-market

  • Configurable DPLL bandwidth for jitter attenuation optimizes device fit to various design needs – portable design

  • Low Power HSCL interface allows small footprint and reduces board utilization

  • All products are standards-compliant and proven on leading reference designs

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