Free in-person workshop in San Jose, CA: Electrifying transportation with Infineon Technology

March 14, 2024 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm PST

The transportation industry is undergoing a transformation in electrification and automation, with new E/E architectures to support the change. While this is arguably led by the automotive industry, it is not limited to passenger vehicles – it also applies to commercial, agriculture, and light mobility: automobiles/eVTOL/eMarine, industrial equipment, medical equipment, robotics, light mobility applications, mining equipment, and renewable energy systems.

Join us in-person in San Jose, CA on Thursday, March 14th, for an exclusive opportunity to experience Infineon’s latest innovations and products, brought to you by Arrow. Engage with industry experts, witness live demos, and delve into cutting-edge technologies like onboard charging, E/E architecture and power solutions, traction inverters, and 60 GHz radar.

This Tech Day was designed with you in mind, aiming to save you valuable time and provide solutions for your pressing design requirements. We’ve tailored the subjects so that you can choose to attend one or multiple topics that pique your interest. Take a look at the agenda and session excerpts provided below for further details, and don’t forget to indicate which topics you are most interested in using the registration link provided.



09:00 - 09:30 Snacks and Welcoming
09:30 - 10:30 Session 1: On-Board Charging
10:30 - 11:30 Session 2: Traction Inverter
11:30 - 01:00 Lunch, Demos, and Networking
01:00 - 02:00 Session 3: E/E Architecture and Power Distribution Systems
02:00 - 03:00 Session 4: 60 GHz Radar
03:00 - 04:00 Additional Demos, Networking, and further discussion with technology experts

Note: Ad-Hoc customer breakout sessions available through the day & upon request. This is your opportunity to speak directly with factory experts to discuss your design needs in this individual session.

Location: Arrow Electronics Inc.
101 Metro Dr
San Jose, CA 95110



While applications for electrified transportation are typical here (cars, bikes/scooters, tractors, boats), onboard charging solutions can also be used in medical/industrial system backup as well as V2H (vehicle to home energy delivery systems). This session offers a valuable opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of onboard charger (OBC) applications, the critical role of chipsets in their development, trends, challenges, and Infineon's complete range of solutions for this market.

The onboard charger is a critical system in electric vehicles as it recharges the high-voltage main battery from the AC grid while parked. To attain the desired driving ranges, battery capacity, and energy efficiency of electric components, several key development targets need to be met. These targets include efficient power conversion for 400 V and 800 V systems, power density, reliability, and bi-directional power flow to enable future use cases such as Vehicle-to-Load (V2L), Vehicle-to-Home (V2H), and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). Infineon offers complete and complementing chipsets for the modular and scalable development of onboard charger applications.  During this session, we will provide a detailed overview of our comprehensive range of solutions for onboard charger applications, including Si, SiC, and GAN technologies. Infineon chipsets offer high efficiency, high power density, and reliable performance, meeting the development targets and enabling innovative future applications.


In this session, we’ll touch on solutions for electrification applications in automobiles, eVTOL, eMarine, light weight vehicles, electric buses & agricultural vehicles. We’ll also include a forward-looking discussion on advancements in traction inverter technology, including trends, challenges, and solutions in performance improvements, cost reduction, efficiency and reliability.

In the world of electric mobility, the traction inverter plays a crucial role, acting as the muscle behind their impressive movement. Join us for a comprehensive introduction to traction inverters and their significance within electric drivetrains. This session will delve into the fundamentals of traction inverter design, including Infineon's automotive-qualified solution catered towards a scalable range of motors and power classes. Participants will gain valuable insights into maximizing electrical and thermal efficiency and performance while minimizing switching losses. Furthermore, we will cover the designs of the traction inverter as well as trends, value drivers, and challenges.


Electrical and electronic architectures are evolving to allow for advancements in electrification, automation, and increased efficiency. In this hour, we will provide an overview of E/E architectures and its effect on the Power Distribution System (PDS) for transportation, mobility, medical, robotic, and industrial applications.

Participants in this session will learn how the Power Distribution System is a crucial component of the vehicle's E/E Architecture, and how it is currently based on a wire harness to transport energy, fuses to protect the wire harness, relays/switches to start and stop the energy flow, and ECUs to control the energy flow. Infineon’s complete system solution offers a comprehensive approach to power distribution -- with a focus on optimal energy transportation, protection, and control. This section will provide a valuable opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the Power Distribution System and its role in the vehicle's E/E Architecture, as well as trends and key value drivers.


This session is perfect for applications for driver and occupant monitoring, child and pet safety, smart climate control, personalized infotainment, security, and ridesharing & delivery service for transportation vehicles. Join us to discuss the technical characteristics of Infineon's 60 GHz radar and its suitability for sensing tasks. We then discuss trends, regulations, challenges, and solutions for key applications of this technology.

  • Occupant Detection and Classification: Identifying the presence and location of passengers, including adults, children, and pets, for improved safety features like seatbelt reminders and airbag deployment optimization.
  • Vital Sign Monitoring: Measuring respiratory rate and heart rate for health monitoring and driver drowsiness detection.
  • Obstacle Recognition: Enabling recognition of static and moving targets next to the car.
  • Child Presence Detection: Preventing accidental child abandonment in parked vehicles, a critical safety concern.


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