Analog Devices - Programming Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Ever wondered about implementing software defined radio?

This free of charge 2-session webinar offers hands-on experience on controlling Analog Devices RF transceivers from your computer, or even a Raspberry Pi. We’ll take you through a quick introduction of SDR concepts, which products Analog Devices offers and then move on to the hands-on section of the webinar.

The interfacing to the transceivers is through IIO library and we’ll show you where to get it, how to install it, and how to get started connecting to the device.

During the webinar we will be showing live demos using the ADALM-Pluto as a learning device. For real-live experience it is recommended to purchase this SDR Active Learning Module upfront. You will then be able to follow the instructor and run the Python based scripts along with the webinar. Alternatively, you can just watch the demos and decide later to purchase the ADALM-Pluto and try for yourself. To purchase a ADALM-PLUTO please contact your local Arrow Representative, any queries please contact

After these sessions using Python you will be able to program the IIO based RF transceivers from Analog Devices and understand how to control the transmitters and receivers in our products.

Knowledge about software defined radio technology is helpful, but not required.
Similarly, Python programming experience is helpful, but certainly not required. 

After registration you will be provided with a getting started guide to be able to install SW upfront. In the webinars we will also be going over the available sources and installation as well. 

These sessions will be held in English. Addition technical support in will be available afterwards outside of these sessions in Dutch or English

Program overview

Session 1 
   • Introduction
   • SDR concepts and Analog Devices RF transceivers
   • Operating Pluto (incl. IIO Oscilloscope)
   • SW framework, IIO and Python
   • ‘Hello Pluto!’ – Python demo
   • Q&A

Session 2
   • SW framework, IIO
   • Python demo’s
   • Beyond Python
   • Q&A

1. Tuesday September 8, 2020, 13:30-15:00 using MS Teams
2. Tuesday September 22, 2020, 13:30-15:00 using MS Teams

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