ON Semiconductor Power Seminar

Staying up to date on the latest advancements in power supply design is one of the many challenges engineers face today. To help designers meet this challenge, we are pleased to host the 2019 Power Seminar in April and May, located in the cities of Seattle, San Jose, Minneapolis, Sao Paulo and Mexico City.

One day to learn comprehensive "hands-on" real-world application examples

The Power seminar is a one-day seminar providing rich technical and practical presentations that combine new, advanced power supply concepts, tutorial review of basic design principles, and "hands-on" real-world application examples. 

What should you expect?

Attendees will receive in-depth theoretical and practical discussions on each topic and pros and cons of different solutions to improve energy efficiency and system performance. Each of the presentations is accompanied by a technical paper with full in-depth treatment of the topic for reference.   

Who will benefit from the seminar?

The seminars are ideal for engineers looking for the latest advancements in power supply design, as well as those looking for a refresher. 

Space is limited. Register today and meet our power experts in your city! 


8:30am – 9:00am Registration & Coffee
9:00am – 10:00am The Quest with Power Density with GaN
10:00am – 11:00am PFC: Bridgless vs Interleaved
11:00am – 11:10am Break
11:10am – 12:10pm Control Loop Design
12:10pm – 1:30pm Lunch & Expo
11:30pm – 2:00pm Accelerating Evaluation, Simplifying Design
2:00pm – 3:00pm Design Review: Active Clamp Flyback Topology 
3:00pm – 3:10pm Break
3:10pm – 3:55pm Physically Based, Scaleble SPICE Modeling Methodologies



Seattle, USA – April 22, 2019

San Jose, USA – April 23, 2019

Minneapolis, USA – April 25, 2019

Sao Paulo, Brazil – April 30, 2019

Mexico City, Mexico – May 2, 2019

Sign up for a seminar in your area


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