Visit Arrow at the tinyML EMEA Innovation Forum

Learn more about machine learning and AI with Arrow at the tinyML EMEA Innovation Forum in Amsterdam on June 26-28, 2023

The tinyML EMEA Innovation Forum is accelerating the adoption of tiny machine learning across the region by connecting the efforts of the private sector with those of academia in pushing the boundaries of machine learning and artificial intelligence on ultra-low powered devices.

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Featured Articles and Videos

VectorBlox™ FaceDemo on the PolarFire® video kit
A walk through of the Microchip VectorBlox FaceDemo showing how to update face embeddings so the demo can identify other faces as well as gender and age.
NXP debuts new MCX portfolio of MCUs
Internet of things applications usher in a new situation with good prospects
With the introduction of the Matter standard to improve the interoperability and security of the Internet of Things (IoT), and applications will usher in a new situation, showing endless development potential.
AI on STM32: Computer Vision made simple with FP-AI-VISION1 and STM32Cube.AI
In this video, learn how the development of cutting-edge machine-vision systems becomes easier through the use of the STM32 system from ST Micro.
Alif Semiconductor
Supplying Next Generation Scalable Microcontrollers and Fusion Processors
AI definitions and edge applicability
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage nowadays. From simple pattern recognition to complex tasks such as weather prediction, a large variety of applications claim to be improved by using artificial intelligence.
Guiding innovation forward with Arrow: AI/ML
Artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions at
Where is in-cabin gesture recognition headed?
Car dashboards have become digital cockpits full of buttons and displays for a whole of infotainment systems, but they’re on the road to be touchless thanks to gesture recognition technology.
Create a new era combining robotic perception and artificial intelligence
Empowering robots with environmental perception and mobility makes them safer and more mobile. Combining artificial intelligence (AI) technology will make them smarter and more practical, and make their future development extremely imaginative. This paper will explore the development of robotic perception and AI technology, as well as related solutions introduced by many manufacturers.
Arrow Tech Snack with Analog Devices - The Data-Driven Digital Factory
Join us on the journey to a smarter and more resilient factory of the future.

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