EV high voltage drivetrain test

Testing the high voltage (HV) drivetrain of an electric (EV) or hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) involves emulating and measuring the high-power inputs, high-power outputs and control signals of inverters, battery packs, traction motors, and charging systems. These test systems must be able to deliver peak power levels and simulate worst-case conditions, requiring technologies like dynamic power supplies or electronic loads for the most robust testing. Also, test systems must be bidirectional or regenerative to improve efficiency. The measurement and control must be isolated to ensure safety and robust operation at high voltage levels ranging from hundreds to thousands of volts.

Dynamic Power Supply

Dynamic power supplies are required for many of the most critical tests in the automotive world. For example, a key aspect of an EV drivetrain is the inverter. A test bench to develop and validate an inverter requires a battery emulator with a dynamic power supply, the unit under test and a load and power meter to measure the output. The battery emulator—a high-voltage and current DC supply—must be capable of simulating dynamic transient conditions such as engine starting profile, battery voltage drop-out, and reset behavior during voltage drop (per ISO 16750-2).

EV Drivetrain Subsystems

HV Drivetrain Solutions for EV and HEV

High-power isolated signal chains enable the efficiency and robustness needed to test electric vehicle drivetrain components such as inverters, motors, chargers and charger connections. Precision measurement and control are needed so that test systems will behave efficiently and reliably under all conditions, delivering the power needed precisely when it is needed. Together, these solutions provide the mixed-signal circuitry necessary to accurately measure voltage and current in automotive testing scenarios.

Dynamic Power Supply for Inverter Test

Diagram for Dynamic Power Supply for Inverter Test

High-Performance DC and AC Contactless Current Sensing

ADI’s ADAF1080 AMR is a solution for contactless current sensing in the grid, solar, wind and EV battery applications. With ADI’s AMR process, signal chain & systems expertise, the limitations of existing current sensing systems can be overcome.



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