ADI Motion Control
Étiquettes similaires
Plateforme de commande du mouvement et de robotique reconfigurable
Découvrez comment la nouvelle plateforme de commande du mouvement et de robotique reconfigurable de Critical Link, Arrow et Analog Devices peut vous aider à développer des appareils robotisés industriels de haute précision encore plus efficaces.
Driving Synchronized Precision Motion in Multiaxis Servo Control Systems
The manufacturing of today’s high tech devices requires equally high tech production that’s both automated and extremely precise. This article from Analog Devices demonstrates how by using precision motion control and drive architectures, it’s possible to synchronize it all seamlessly. Multiple milling machines operating on multiple axes with multiple servo drives to support them? No problem.
Enhanced Communication Reliability and Performance for Motor Control Encoder Applications
This technical article from Analog Devices examines how rotary encoders are widely used in industrial automation systems. A typical use of this type of encoder is for electric machines where the encoder is connected to the rotating shaft, and thereby provides feedback for the control system. While the primary purpose of the encoder is angular position and speed measurement, additional features, such as system diagnostics and parameter configuration, are common as well.
Controlling and Driving High Density SiC/GaN Power Conversion
Watch this video from Analog Devices to learn how Analog Devices’ isolation, control, sensing, and communication technologies directly address the challenges faced by the deployment of WBG (wideband gap) power switching and the increasingly complicated multilevel control topologies.