A Selection of New Commercial Medical Chassis-Mount Power Supplies from CUI Inc.

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CUI Incorporated has released two new lines of commercial and medical AC/DC power supplies, VOF and VMS. These chassis-mount power supplies feature an open-frame, low-profile package, tailored to meet industry standards with a 2”x4” footprint. They are also designed with a built-in power factor correction circuit, a 12 V auxiliary fan output and low no-load power consumption. With a high 92% efficiency, the VOF and VMS lines are reliable and versatile for your solution’s power needs.


CUI Inc.’s VOF is their new commercial-grade line of power supplies. With the option of 180, 225, 275, 350 and 550 W and a range of 12-58 VDC output voltages among the series, the VOF line is quite flexible to fit your low-profile power needs. For differing board types, CUI also offers a choice of screw or JST header connectors to best interface the VOF line with your system. Touting a slew of protections and safety features, like overcurrent/voltage, short circuit and ESD, the line is designed to meet all industry safety standards. The VOF line is ideal for Internet of Things (IoT), telecom and other industrial applications

The VMS line of power supplies from CUI are very similar to VOF, sporting 180, 225, 275, 350 and 550 W options over the same output voltage range alternatives. They also feature similar connection options and protection/safety fail-safes. What sets the VMS line apart is their medical standard compliance. The VMS line is 60601-1 4th Edition certified and designed for 2x MOPP (Means of Patient Protection) and other healthcare applications.

For versatile and dependable power supplies that meet certifications, CUI’s VOF and VMS AC/DC lines are your ideal choice to complete your system.

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