ADI’s LTC2992 Dual Wide Range Power Monitor for Data Conversion

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Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) is an American semiconductor company that strives to be ahead of what’s possible in the data conversion sector. On the cutting edge of that wave of possibility is the LTC2992 series of dual wide range power monitors. These rail-to-rail system devices can track two 0V to 100V power supplies’ voltages and currents with incredible accuracy, and are designed for high data transfer systems, such as computing, industrial and automotive applications.

The LTC2992 series offers several key features that make them very effective power monitors. The series operates over a wide 2.7 to 100 V supply range, with a shunt regulator to process supplies over 100 V. Three integrated analog-to-digital converter (ADC) chips measure the input voltages, operating currents and four external voltage sources, using an 8- or 12-bit variable resolution. The ADCs tout a ±0.3% unadjusted error for supreme precision, and can be configured to operate in a continuous scan or snapshot mode. Its embedded memory keeps track of minimum and maximum voltage. Current and power values are measured by the ADCs and an associated alarm function reports when the predetermined thresholds for said values are reached.

Across the series, you can choose between a variety of options to best suit your system. The LTC2992 series has a range of operating temperatures, 0 to 70 oC for commercial use, -40 to 85 oC for industrial settings, and -40 to 140 oC for automotive and other high temperature scenarios. The series also has two different package choices to fit into your solution — a 12-mm2 DFN 16-pin and a 19.8 mm2 MS 16-pin package. For systems that require inverted opto-isolators, the LTC2992 series also offers an inverted data output option.

Whether in an intense industrial system or a high data transfer server, the LTC2992 series of dual power monitors are sure to provide accuracy and safety to your solution.

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