CeraCharge™ Rechargeable Multilayer Ceramic SMD Battery

From simple gadgets to complex devices for the industrial IoT – they all require compact, reliable and extremely safe power supplies. In order to meet all these demands, TDK has developed CeraCharge™, the world’s first rechargeable solid-state SMD battery.

The world’s first rechargeable solid-state SMD battery:  BCT1812M101AG

-- Energy storage for Bluetooth beacon transmission and IOT devices
-- Backup battery for real-time clocks (RTC)
-- Energy storage for energy harvesting devices
-- Sub battery for smoothing voltage and current
-- Wearable devices

-- Rechargeable, long life/ cycling time for energy storage and supply devices
-- All-ceramic solid-state structure, rules out risks of fire, explosion or leakage of liquids electrolyte
-- SMT-compatible chip, Pb free reflow solderable
-- RoHS compatible
-- Li-based ceramic oxide electrolyte / electrode and copper charge collector
-- Sputtered Cr/Ni/Ag terminal electrodes

Life today would be unimaginable without batteries and accumulators using a wide variety of technologies and with widely differing capacities. 

The Internet of Things in all its facets will in future require billions of special power supplies tailored to the requirements of new ultra-low-power semiconductors and sensors. These devices must function for years, independently of external power supplies, by using energy-harvesting technologies. The demands made on energy storage media are as follows: small dimensions, rechargeability, intrinsically safe, easy to assemble, low cost and long service life. Not all of these requirements can be met simultaneously using currently available technologies. For many applications, the TDK CeraCharge now offers a way out of this dilemma. Unlike most common technologies, this involves a solid-state rechargeable battery with no liquid electrolyte through which the lithium ions move during charging or discharging. CeraCharge is based on a multilayer technology, similar to MLCCs.

Samples are currently available starting from December 2018.  Mass production will commence in the Spring of 2019. 

For more information, please register below to be contacted by your local Arrow FAE.


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