EPC Introduces 100 V eGaN® Power Transistor for 48 V DC-DC, Motor Drives, and Lidar Applications

The EPC2052 offers power systems designers a 100 V, 13.5 mΩ, power transistor capable of 74 A pulsed in an extremely small chip-scale package. In a 48 V – 12 V DC-DC Power Converters these new generation eGaN FETs achieved greater than 97% efficiency at 500 kHz and greater than 96% Efficiency at 1 MHz

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) announces the EPC2052, a 100 V GaN transistor with a maximum RDS(on) of 13.5mΩ and a 74 A pulsed output current for high efficiency power conversion in a tiny 2.25mm2 footprint.

Applications demanding higher efficiency and power density no longer have to choose between size and performance. The EPC2052 measures just 1.50 mm x 1.50 mm (2.25 mm2). Despite the small footprint, operating in a 48 V – 12 V buck converter, the EPC2052 achieves greater than 97% efficiency at a 10 A output while switching at 500 kHz and greater than 96% at a 10 A output while switching at 1 MHz enabling significant system size reductions. In addition, the low cost of the EPC2052 brings the performance of GaN FETs at a price comparable to silicon MOSFETs. Applications benefiting from this performance, small size, and low cost include 48 V input power converters for computing and telecom systems, LiDAR, LED Lighting, and Class-D audio.


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