GE’s New Efficient Open-Frame Power Supplies for Telecom and Industrial Systems

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GE Critical Power is an industry-leading manufacturer of power options that are efficient, reliable, and safe. Their newest additions to a wide repertoire of power supplies certainly live up to that standard. With over 90% efficiency, these new 450 W open-frame AC to DC power supplies meet FCC Class B and IEC6100-4-5 specifications and are ideal for use in industrial or telecommunication equipment designs.

The CLP0424FPXXXZ01A features a compact (3”x5”) footprint and has an adjustable 24 or 28 V (±5%) supply output range. The CLP0448FPXXXZ01A is higher voltage than the CLP0424 with the same size footprint, with variable 48 or 54 V (±3 V) output. The largest of GE Critical Power’s new supplies is the FLP0412FPMXXZ01A, with a 3”x7” footprint. The FLP0412 spans several output voltages with two to four outputs: 3.3 or 5 V with adjustable 1-5.5 V, 12 V (±5%) or 24 V (16-34 V).

All of the new 450 W open-frame supplies feature output overvoltage and current protections, as well as overheating failsafes.

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