Bring High-Performance Computing to the Industrial Edge with congatec

Discover how to meet the demand for more lanes and more processing power that can scale with congatec COM-HPC modules for IoT 11th Gen Intel® Core™ processors.

The demand for high-performance computing and high-volume data at the edge is growing exponentially. These new demands have pushed the computer-on-module (COM) express standard to its limit. To meet this demand, more than 25 companies, including congatec and Intel, have been working together through the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) to create a new open standard for a higher performance COM. The result: COM-HPC.

The new COM-HPC standard radically expands data volume and speed, I/Os, and memory capacity. The congatec COM-HPC puts all of the 11th Gen Intel Core processor’s lanes and I/Os to work and has modules that support data intensive sensors, inputs, and workloads, plus multiple network paths to local systems and controllers, edge servers, and resources in the cloud.

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