The What, When, and How of A2B and Ethernet in Automotive Applications

Discover how A2B and Ethernet technologies will work together to create lighter, simpler, and faster electronic systems within automotive design.

The adoption of HD multicamera systems for parking assistance, 360° vision systems (also known as bird’s-eye view or surround view monitor systems), radar (RF microwave), and lidar (optical) to enhance advanced driver-assistance systems (ADASs) are raising the bar for automotive electronic design. The coexistence of all these systems is a key factor in the development of autonomous vehicles, but it represents a big challenge for any communication bus.

As size and weight are considered for the latest automotive electronic design, A2B is an easy-to-implement technology. It brings power and data over the same UTP, with a deterministic support for fixed latency. For the much-needed extra boost of speed, Ethernet—with the incumbent 100-Base-T1 (and 1000-Base-T1 in the future)—will be a convergent technology allowing the aggregation of multiple data buses, but with an increased complexity for adding power (PoDL) and SW determinism (TSN).

Likely, a mixed solution based on A2B for audio transport and sensors, and a backbone implemented with a high-speed Gb Ethernet for cameras, lidar, and radar, could fit most of the future mid-term needs of the automotive industry.

Learn more about these latest advancements in this article from Matteo Crosio, Senior Field Applications Engineer from Analog Devices.


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