How Panasonic Thermopile Arrays Provide New Automation Design Opportunities

Learn more about the differences between pyroelectric and thermopile thermal sensors — and gain a better understanding of the more sophisticated sensing technology of thermopile array sensors— in this article from Panasonic. You can also discover more about the features and specifications of Panasonic’s Grid-EYE thermopile arrays, which includes 64 MEMS thermopile elements arranged in an 8x8 grid on a single detector chip and an Integrated Circuit for signal processing and Thermistor, as well as how thermopile arrays have created new opportunities for the design of automation applications.

Gain a better understanding of how the sophisticated sensing technology offered by thermopile array sensors has created new opportunities for the design of automation applications in this article from Panasonic. From understanding the differences between pyroelectric and thermopile thermal sensors to getting a detailed look at the features and specifications of Panasonic’s Grid-EYE thermopile arrays, take a closer look at how this technology provides richer Sensor data on motion, proximity and stationary object detection without the need for more expensive active sensing options.


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