Murata Type 1XK: Shielded ultra-small dual band

Learn more about the features and benefits of Murata’s Type 1XK wireless module.


  • •  2.4GHz & 5 GHz Wi-Fi® + Bluetooth® module
  • •  Network topology: uAP and STA dual mode
  • •  Chipset: NXP IW416
  • •  Processor: No
  • •  Modulation: DSSS / CCK / OFDM
  • •  FCC/CE/IC/TELEC ‘reference’ certified

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High performance capabilities for IoT

  • •  For Industrial IoT, smart home, audio/video/voice, gateway
  • •  802.11 a/b/g/n 150Mbps
  • •  NXP i.MX Linux, Android, MCUXpresso/FreeRTOS

The Type 1XK is a small and high-performance module based on NXP IW416 combo chipset which supports Wi-Fi® 802.11a/b/g/n + Bluetooth® 5.2 BR/EDR/LE up to 150 Mbps PHY data rate on Wi-Fi® and 3Mbps PHY data rate on Bluetooth®.

The WLAN section supports SDIO 3.0 interface and the Bluetooth® section supports high-speed 4-wire UART interface (optional support for SDIO) and PCM for audio data.

The IW416 implements sophisticated enhanced collaborative coexistence hardware mechanisms and algorithms, which ensure that WLAN and Bluetooth® collaboration is optimized for maximum performance. In IEEE 802.11n mode, the WLAN operation supports rates of MCS0 – MCS7 in 20MHz and 40MHz channels for data rate up to 150Mbps.

The Type 1XK module is packaged in an impressively small form factor that facilitates integration into size- and power-sensitive applications such as IoT applications, handheld wireless system, gateway and more.


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