Silicon Lab’s New EFM8 Universal Bee 3: USB-Focused, Versatile Microcontroller

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Silicon Labs are pioneering the microcontroller (MCU) industry with their energy-friendly Bee family. The newest addition to the family is the EFM8 Universal Bee 3 (UB3) series. The new UB3 MCUs are incredibly versatile, with a compact, energy-efficient package that fits into most any design. Created especially for USB applications, the UB3 series (and their respective development board) are an ideal way to incorporate smart controls and communications into your system.


The EFM8UB3 series is full of options to best suit your USB-based designs. At every member of the series’ core lies a CIP-51 8051, an 8-bit controller that can clock up to 48 MHz. The core also contains 40 KB of Flash memory and 3328 B of RAM. For USB controlling, the EFM8UB3 also contains a USB-BCS 1.2 compliant charger detect circuit and a 12-bit ADC with two analog comparators, as well as an integrated DAC for voltage reference.

The EFM8UB3F40G-A-QFN20 has an ultra-compact (9.0 mm2) QFN package with 13 I/Os and 12 ADC channels. It can also be ordered in reels of 1500 parts. The EFM8UB31F40G-A-QFN24 has the same QFN package, but has 17 I/Os and 16 ADC ports. It, too, has an option for 1500-part reels. The EFM8UB331F40G-A-QSOP24 has the same I/Os and ADC ports as the above part, but is in a larger (33.735 mm2), more robust QSOP package, with the option for 2500-part reels.

The series also features the SLTB005A, the Universal Bee 3’s associated development board. The breakout board features easy-to-access ports to connect to the EFM8UB3 chip, as well as optional Mini-Simplicity ports for using Silicon Labs’ proprietary debugging for Advanced Energy Monitoring. The board also has a set of USB ports to test out the application capabilities of the EFM8UB3.

To integrate smart, power-conscious USB controlling into your space-constrained solution, check out the Universal Bee 3 from Silicon Labs.

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