onsemi AI systems [Blog]

As vision-based AI systems are becoming ubiquitous in the automotive, industrial, and consumer spaces, the sensors capturing information to be analyzed are becoming more sophisticated.

It is important, when designing systems that need to utilize machine vision, that there are many aspects to keep in mind. Understandably, one of the most important features is quality of image, which some mistakenly think to be exclusively sensor resolution. While resolution is important, if the full amount of image data is not transferred from the sensor to be used in the AI-based vision system, then it is wasting hardware and making the analysis more difficult. Both frame rate and clarity should be improved within the system to make sure the AI-based vision system has the best images to analyze, getting the cleanest results.

onsemi has several solutions to these problems including the AR0234CS CMOS image sensor, which is great for implementing in vision systems to make sure you are getting high frame rate (120 fps), high data rate MIPI interface, and low power consumption in your product. With its 1/2.6-inch 2.3 Mp CMOS digital image sensor and active-pixel array of 1920x1200 you will be sure to get clearer images and lower noise in both low light and bright light environments.

Another family of sensors to look at is the XGS Global Shutter that offers excellent image quality and supports resolutions from 2 Mp to 45 Mp. The common architecture allows you to develop products with multiple resolutions quickly and effectively, getting your system into production faster. These sensors also excel at capturing moving objects without motion artifacts which commonly lead to reduced accuracy in many applications, such as object detection and object tracking.

So hopefully now you know a little more and start your designs with more than resolution in mind.

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