STM32U5: Ultra-low-power Arm® Cortex®-M33 32-bit Microcontroller

The ST Microelectronics STM32U5 microcontroller is ready to help your newest products meet the challenging requirements of today’s most cutting-edge smart applications. Find out how the included hardware and security technology will help you get to the next level.

Arrow Dynamic content_STM32U5The STM32U5 microcontrollers combine the Arm® Cortex®-M33 core with power-saving features and advanced security to meet the most demanding power/performance requirements for smart applications, including wearables, personal medical devices, home automation, and industrial sensors.

Offering up to 2 Mbytes of Flash (dual bank) memory and 786 Kbytes of SRAM, the STM32U5 microcontrollers take performance to the next level. It’s available in 8 packages (from 48 to 169 pins) and supports up to 125°C ambient temperature.

The STM32U5 is included in ST’s 10-year longevity program.

Key Features

Best-in-class Power Consumption

  ● Energy benchmark:
    ○ 535 ULPMark-CP
    ○ 149 ULPMark-PP
    ○ 58 ULPMark-CM
    ○ 133,000 SecureMark-TLS

  ● LPBAM (Low Power Background Autonomous Mode): An innovative autonomous power mode, with peripherals and DMA working in stop mode.

   ● Key performance indicators include:
    ○ 110 nA in shutdown mode
    ○ 300 nA in standby mode
    ○ 1.7 µA in stop mode 3 with 16 Kbytes of SRAM
    ○ 6.6 µA in stop mode 2 with 786 Kbytes of SRAM
    ○ Down to 19 µA/MHz in active mode

Enhanced Security

  ● Arm’s TrustZone® technology
  ● AES encryption and Public Key Accelerator (PKA) side-channel hardware-resistant
  ● Secure data storage with a Hardware Unique Key (HUK)
  ● Active tamper detection
  ● PSA and SESIP level 3 certified

Enhanced Performance

  ● Arm Cortex-M33 running at 160 MHz
  ● 240 DMIPS and 651 CoreMark scores
  ● Mathematic accelerators FMAC and Cordic


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