TE Connectivity’s Economy Power Connector Series

TE Connectivity’s Economy Power (EP) and Economy Power II (EP II) wire-to-board connectors are widely utilized for power circuit applications that require a large current carrying capacity.

The Economy Power connectors by TE Connectivity utilize an audible latch to ensure correct mating and use a polarized design as well as an asymmetric pin design to ensure they are inserted the correct way. The wire-to-board connectors are available in a range of centerline designs, including 3.96 mm, 5.08 mm, and 7.92 mm. They are available in shrouded and unshrouded header configurations. These connectors have an operational temperature range of –25°C to 105°C and meet both GWEPT 750°C and UL 94 V0 flammability standards.

The Economy Power connector range is available in several color options and is end-to-end stackable for retrofit applications. The Economy Power series comes in two versions: The Economy Power (EP) features 250 VAC and 7.5 A, and the Economy Power II (EPII) features 600 VAC and 11 A, making them ideal for a variety of applications including household appliances, industrial machinery, and lighting. Optional terminal position assurance (TPA) devices help to ensure terminals are fully inserted in housings.

Product Brief Video

Key Features

  • Can operate up to 600 VAC at 11 A (EPII)
  • Operating temperature range of 25°C to 105°C
  • Polarized and asymmetric design
  • Multiple colors available
  • Optional TPA devices
  • Meets both GWEPT 750°C and UL 94 V0 flammability standards

General Applications

  • Household appliances
  • Lighting
  • Machinery
  • HVAC
  • Commercial equipment

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